Kodiak Island Sportsman's Association (K.I.S.A.) is a non-profit organization operated by volunteers.
A membership to KISA grants you (along with your immediate family) access to the Salonie Creek outdoor range from January 1st thru December 31st for $100. It also allows you significant discounts to the indoor range for the same calendar year.
Single visits to the range are $18 per person per day ($12 per person for KISA members).
10 packs are $160 per person or $100 for KISA members.
K.I.S.A. holds indoor matches for pistol and rifle. Including Steel Challenge, Bullseye, Action/Tactical pistol, Charging Bear, Three position small bore Shoots and fun shoots.
K.I.S.A. also sponsors other programs, such as the Alaska Concealed Carry Pistol permit class, several Junior Rifle programs, and various other clinics.
For information on renting any of our ranges please see the range rental page.
Current range hours are:
TUESDAY 7pm-9pm
FRIDAY 7pm-9pm
KISA requires a RSO (Range safety officer) to be at the Indoor Range during all open hours, if you would like to get trained as an RSO and volunteer hours please contact a board member!
This range features a 500 yard rifle range with High Power target carriers and a safety pit. These carriers are operated by the CRO of the range and the volunteer members running a High-Power Rifle Match. The range also has a 50 yard pistol range.
From May to October Centerfire Benchrest, Rimfire Benchrest and High Power rifle matches are held at the 500 yard range. Other matches such as Charging Bear, tactical shoots, and Metalic Shilhouette have been held on a less regular basis.
The Salonie range is located on Rezanof Drive 11.5 miles South of the City of Kodiak. Take the first right after the Salonie creek bridge and look for the gate. This range is open 24/7 to members, but there may be closures for events. Sign up for our email list or check the calendar for updates and closed days.
Please lock the gate behind you to prevent unathorized use of the road. The firing line has shooting benches that are built by our volunteers, please take care of them, shoot safe and clean up your targets when you are done.
Membership to the outdoor range is $100 for unlimited access January 1st thru December 31st each year. You’ll also get discounts to the indoor Monashka range with your purchase of this membership.
For information on renting any of our ranges please see the range rental page.
1. It is the Objective of KISA to provide a safe shooting environment while maximizing shooting opportunities. Anyone who violates these rules may be evicted by a KISA Board member or the Range Officer (if on duty) and may be reported to the KISA Board.
2. All guns must be unloaded with chambers open until at all times, unless 'RANGE HOT' has been agreed.
3. Prior to declaring 'RANGE HOT' all shooters (and guests) must be behind the benches and mutually agree to declare 'RANGE HOT'.
4. Once all shooters have completed a firing period, all firearms must be unloaded, actions open and all shooters agree to go 'RANGE COLD' before moving forward of the benches.
5. Any Shooter can call 'CEASEFIRE' when an unsafe action is observed. All shooters immediately stop firing, stand back from the benches until the unsafe condition has been remedied.
6. Following a 'CEASEFIRE' no-one is to handle any firearms until all shooters have agreed to commence firing, 'RANGE HOT'.
7. Shooting is permitted at paper targets, spinners and 'plinking' targets (such as soda cans, skeets, milk jugs etc). But all trash must be collected by each shooter and placed in the trash cans.
8. Firing at propane tanks/cans, aerosols and other potential explosive items is NOT PERMITTED.
9. No alcohol or drugs are permitted.
10. No shooting after the consumption of alcohol or drugs.
11. No Armor Piercing ammo.
12. Wear eye and ear protection at all times.
13. When present, the Range Officer has the final say.
14. Any questions or concerns, please contact a board member or the Chief Range Officer
Any member caught vandalizing or destroying property will have their memberships revoked and banned from future use.
Range rules
Live-fire shooters and all other visitors will:
Sign in and make themselves known to the RSO on duty.
Groups CAN NOT sign in as a group they must ALL sign in
individually NO EXCEPTIONS (this is for insurance
purposes if they are not signed in then they are not covered).
Familiarise themselves with these orders
Allow RSO to visually inspect all firearms and
ammunition planned for use at the range.
Conduct themselves in an orderly manner at all times
and will be responsible for any guests they bring.
All shooters are responsible for their own firearms and
ammunition while at the range.
While in the preparation room, all firearms (out of
cases) must be unloaded with their actions open.
Firearms must be pointed in a safe direction at all
times (confirm muzzle direction when preparing
All firearms must be handled in a competent and safe
manner (NRA and USCCA safe gun handling rules).
Ammunition may be loaded into magazines in the
preparation room.
Firearms MAY ONLY be loaded when a shooter is in a
firing booth.
If legally entitled (by AK State law) to carry a
concealed firearm, visitors may bring a loaded , concealed firearm into the range. However, that firearm MAY NOT be handled in any place except for within a firing booth.
m. Fire only authorized firearms and ammunition.
Fire at authorized targets only. Metal silhouette targets are to be used for matches only.
Ensure all projectiles impact within the established range safety limits (no cross-lane firing).
Use appropriate ear and eye protection within the firing line area.
Notify the duty RSO of any safety infractions or concerns.
Give the command ‘STOP’ if anything unsafe is observed. Lay firearm on the bench (pointing downrange) and await instruction from the RSO.
If the command ‘STOP’ is heard. Lay the firearm on the bench (pointing downrange) and await instruction from the RSO.
If the firing line safety buzzer is heard, shout the command ‘STOP’, Lay firearm on the bench (pointing downrange) and await instruction from the RSO.
Follow all instructions from the RSO.
No pets are allowed in the firing line area.
w.No unaccompanied minors (under 18) are allowed in
the range.
Children under 11 must be supervised /coached by a
parent/guardian at all times.
Shooters may not consume alcoholic beverages or
drugs before or during live firing. The RSO will deny entry to the range to anyone (in the RSOs judgement) under the influence of alcohol or drugs.